Full disclosure: I'm a Facebook junkie.
Apart from the joy of reuniting with hometown friends and classmates, not to mention familiar and new car faces, I think we can all agree that the 500# Gorilla in social media has transformed the way many of us interact and conduct business.
Now, I'm no fan of "alternative" energy vehicles. Give me cubic inches, thank you very much. But thanks to my Facebook feed seemingly knowing I needed an education in new tech, the video included herein hit me like a new LED bulb illuminating an ancient fluorescent shop light.
Early variants of alternative fuel vehicles came in the form of hybrids, which somewhat loosely according to Webster, "are the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races." Yuck, not for me. Make up your mind, are you gas, electric or three rats on a treadmill? Put another way, Hybrids are for people who can't make a decision.

Thankfully, the hybrid model seems to be losing ground to pure electric-powered buggies and where EV West located near San Diego is giving new juice to old rides. Their mechanic tool boxes feature every imaginable tool needed to fabricate electric motor installations. Out goes the gas tank, in goes Lithium batteries. You'll find VW, Porsche and even Ferrari the subject of transformation. Hmmm... how much do I save on an engine-out valve job for my Ferrari 328?!
Check out the video and share your comments right here. And for gosh sakes, pull the breaker before checking the oil.