Catalog Crazy
Fri Nov 08 2013 01:39:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Model maker/collector and photographer Michael Paul Smith is a master at recreating incredibly accurate outdoor scenes using his extensive die-cast model car collection and forced perspective.
Mixing up miniature cars, detail items and buildings into a scene whose backdrop is the real world, he shoots the gorgeous miniature vistas of the town he has created and named “Elgin Park” — and he does it all with a cheap point-and-shoot.
Elgin Park is some 25 years in the making, as are Smith’s modeling and diorama photography skills. In an extensive interview with Fstoppers, he describes his tools, his process and the minute attention to detail that creating these scenes requires.
Ironically, Smith has diagnosed himself as “math challenged,” so when it comes to properly framing the forced perspective, he simply eyeballs it. Years of experience have led to an uncanny ability to do this right on the first shot, but if he doesn’t, he simply goes up and unceremoniously drags his table/models into the correct spot.
Catalog Crazy
Wed Jun 26 2013 01:15:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The Ferrari Modulo concept car was designed by Pininfarina. It was originally shown at the Geneva Motor Show in black and repainted white and displayed at the 1970 Turin Motor Show and the 1970 Osaka World Fair. It amazed the public at the time and it earned 22 international design awards.”
Catalog Crazy
Sun Apr 14 2013 14:59:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Auto-themed bottle openers, $16.50. From
Catalog Crazy
Sun Apr 14 2013 15:01:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Poster depicting lights on the Daytona banking, 1971. $29.95 from
Catalog Crazy
Tue Mar 26 2013 23:01:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saturday Evening Post 5/11/1935. Original magazine page. NOTE: You are buying a magazine page, a piece of paper. Source publication & date of issue stated when known; occasional closed edge tears not affecting printed area may be present. Sheet size given is approximate. [10 3/4 x 16 1/2"]. Two-page ads noted. On some ads, moire patterning may appear in the scan; this anomaly is not in the original ad.
Price = 5.45 USD
Catalog Crazy
Wed Mar 13 2013 23:16:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
There is a club for sedans, I mean "saloons." David Egan (Alvis Speed 20 Saloon by Martin & King): "Is it not too late to become a founding member of the prewar saloon club? I am the current owner of a 1935 Alvis Speed 20 SC Martin and King Saloon. It is a outstanding example of how desirable saloons can become if restored to take advantage of their design features. My car has a lot of body mouldings so a 3 tone paint scheme was used with contrasting biscuit upholstery, plus tiger stripe gain veneer wood trims gives it an Art Deco feel to the car which makes it a major traffic stopper wher ever it goes
regards David Egan, Newcastle, Australia
Herman Deroost (Railton Straight Eight Saloon) : "Since we are saloon enthusiasts we welcome and support the idea of a Pre war Salooning Club.
Indeed saloons are not supposed to be slaughtered. In our collection we have a Railton straight eight University saloon believed to be the only running one out of the 28 ever build and a Riley Touring Saloon Brigs bodied used in the series Foyle’s War and believed to be one of the three survivors of 115 made. And … we have the intention to keep them as they are."
Ian Hager (Riley Kestrel Saloon) :" I've no doubt that you are delighted that such a controversial subject as the destruction of saloon bodies throws up so much comment and traffic on your website. I am sure I am not the first to raise my hand and shout 'yes I will' when it comes to the unofficial pre-war saloon club. I attach a picture of my own Riley saloon (that could one day make £50000 pounds if I chopped it into an MPH replica), sincere in the hope that should you do anything official along the lines you suggest in your article, I will be there to support it!
But...but then the story came in from Peter Ransom, arguably he IS the Founding Father of the salooning movement. Check his writings and 1935 Bentley Saloon Park Ward.
Further we can only hope that you add your name and e-mail address in the comment box below to get things rolling!
Catalog Crazy
Tue Jan 15 2013 01:33:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
I often get this question from viewers. They ask ME what do I think that THEY should collect. My response will always be, 'buy what you like". This way, if you liked it when you bought it, they you will be happier with your purchase!
Catalog Crazy
Thu Dec 20 2012 02:34:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The "Sting Ray" bike from the 1960s turned neighborhoods upside down with their rebellious look wild colors. The long banana seat, sissy bar, and stingray handlebars were a far cry from the conventional Raleigh Sports or Schwinn.
Catalog Crazy
Sun Dec 02 2012 17:22:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Alain Levesque art available from
Catalog Crazy
Sun Dec 02 2012 17:24:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
It’s hard to believe that each one of these used car tires is hand-carved by Belgian artist Wim Delvoye. The collection of tires features intricate pattern work with various motifs, like floral and Art Deco. He does an incredible job working with the original shape of each tire when designing each pattern. I can’t imagine how much time and patience each one took.
Catalog Crazy
Sun Dec 02 2012 17:32:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
This is a book about automotive styling, in particular the streamlined styling that defined what are now known as Airline cars. During the mid-1930s the majority of British car manufacturers and coachbuilders experimented with streamlined styling. This fashion was the result of Art Deco, an international movement that influenced design and marketing in many different industries, and produced some of the most unique and visually exhilarating cars ever produced in Britain. Part One of the book explains and illustrates the Art Deco styling elements that link these streamlined car designs, and describes their development, their commonality, and their unique aeronautical names. The stories of the individual cars, their designers, and their development, are told in Part Two. Here, Barrie Down has collected examples of all the significant British streamlined production cars made between 1933 and 1936, many of them still represented by beautifully restored survivors. The book is well illustrated with over 200 contemporary pictures and colour photographs of existing cars, many of which have never before been published. This book is an instructive and visual feast for all car lovers.
Barrie Down has had a fascination with cars from as long ago as he can remember, and his childhood drawings were almost exclusively cars, cars, and more cars. Those he owned as an impecunious bachelor were from the 1920s and '30s, from which he gained a healthy respect for the design and quality of vintage and thoroughbred cars. After emigrating to Canada in 1964, he spent over 20 years in the industrial design field, concerned primarily with transportation design. From his art historian wife, he learned to link design and social history, and discovered that the design of the cars he loved were strongly influenced by Art Deco.